Data analytics ethics triage

This site is home to a data analytics ethics triage tool, intended to be used as part of [CDEI/DfE]'s ethics guidance for data analytics in children's social care.

The triage is an online self-assessment tool which can help you understand the different risk factors associated with your use case and proposed solution. The triage poses a series of questions about these factors, and recommends that you pay particular attention to specific 'explainer' themes in the guidance in order to mitigate risk.

What you need to know

The ethics triage should be used after completing the Exploratory, Problem Identification, and Choosing a Data Analytics Solution stages of the guidance. Completing these stages fully should ensure you have all the information required to complete the ethics triage.

Concretely, you should understand the following:

  • What problem your proposed data analytics solution is intending to solve
  • What the intended value of your use case is, who is likely to benefit, and how
  • What type of data analytics (descriptive, diagnostic or predictive) you will use
  • Details of where similar tools have been deployed in the past
  • Who will be directly using the tool and who will be directly affected by it
  • Your organisational data maturity
  • What datasets may be needed to develop the tool

You can then proceed to the ethics triage.